The Facial aging a considerable social issue. There is an increased enthusism for facial rejuvenation in the modern society withincreasing life standards. Plastic surgeons involve in many surgical procedures in controlling the facial aging.
The concept of facial rejuvenation is not reversing the aging process. It is to facilitate graceful aging or making an age appropriate pleasant personality during the aging process. it is important to understand the concept and to be realistic in the goals to be achieved.
Facial aging occurs in various aspects.
1. Loss of skin Thickness and Texture
The aging would make facial skin thin. This is more with sun damage. Therefore it is mandatory that everyone becoming knowlegable about protecting the skin from the sun and use of sun screen creams appropriately. In addition it is worthwhile learning the basic skin care and advanced skin care correctly. One has to be extra cautious in selecting the face wash and face creams with aging especially. Meet your plastic surgeon for appropriate advice.
2. Facial Wrinkles
There are two types of facial wrinkles, Dynamic and static wrinkles.
2.1 Dynamic Wrinkles occur due to muscle imbalance of the face. this could sucessfully controlled with Botox injections injected appropriately. The injections have to be repeated every four months.
2.2 Static Wrinkles occur due to loss of volume of the facial skeleton and soft tissue. This situation could be controlled by Filler injections and Fat injections.
The loss of dermal thickness could be controlled by Subcutaneous PDO threading or popularly known as Korean threading.